
6 Everyday Habits of Highly Productive People

6 habits of highly productive people by Mark Pettit of Lucemi Consulting

If you want to learn how to be more productive and become highly efficient with your time there are some habits of highly productive people you can use to increase productivity and get more done. The most productive people are those who have direction and purpose, and have clarity on their goals.

The most productive people aren’t focused on doing more things, which is the opposite of productivity. Highly productive people focus on using their time and energy on their most productive work every day.

If you want to be more productive, develop highly efficient habits to work smarter, not harder. The most productive people maximise their time, take action, and dedicate time to focus on their biggest priorities.

In this article, I’ll share 6 everyday habits of highly productive people. By utilising these productivity habits you can increase your productivity, improve your focus, and be more productive at work.

When you can develop the habits of highly productive people you can achieve bigger results in less time. By being more productive you can set better goals, have clear priorities, and know exactly what you want to accomplish every day.

A highly productive person has the capability to focus on results and look for the fastest, easiest and most productive way to achieve those results.

Highly productive people know how to be productive every day by being intentional about where to invest their time, energy, and focus. These productive habits help them achieve bigger and better results in less time.

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6 habits of highly productive people

Learn how to be more productive with these 6 habits of highly productive people.

1. They plan their time

Highly productive people plan their time effectively every day. They understand that increasing productivity is not about spending more time doing stuff. They know that to achieve the result they want they need to work in the simplest, easiest, and most productive way possible.

This focus on results allows them to be flexible with how they invest their time to achieve the result they want. Highly productive people use weekly planning and daily planning to schedule their time on their biggest priorities.

Planning helps productive people focus on high-priority tasks, reduce the time spent on other things, and build in tolerances for unexpected obstacles.

If you want to learn how to be more productive manage time effectively to help reduce stress and overwhelm. This will improve your ability to get more done.

2. They play a longer game

Highly productive people set measurable goals to help them achieve bigger results in business and life. They have a long-term vision and set short-term goals to ensure they stay motivated to make progress each day.

Being productive every day allows them to measure their progress in quarters, months, and weeks rather than getting overwhelmed. If they don’t have a productive day they don’t beat themselves up because they know they have more time.

Productive people realise that not every day will be balanced, productive, and successful. They look for the wins in the day and move onto the next one.

If you want to be more productive change the context you place around your progress and achievements. Choose to focus on the positives rather than the negatives. To increase productivity, focus on what’s good and what’s working and expand your time in those areas

3. They make time for what matters most

Highly productive people are clear on what’s most important to them. They are present in the moment which allows them to take action and have time to plan for the future.

They do this by investing time in their most important relationships at work and home. There is always a balance between being productive at work and being present at home. Spending more time outside of work creates more productivity at work. Being more productive at work gives you the time freedom to be with the people that matter.

Productive people don’t sacrifice time with important people by working longer and harder at work.

4. They focus on wins

Highly productive people focus on what matters most and understand that work will just expand to fill their time if they let it. As they’re clear upfront on what they want to achieve each day they know what success looks like.

This allows them to stop working when they’ve achieved their goals for the day rather than just working for the sake of it. If you want to be more productive, don’t add items to your to-do list. This will cause you to overwork and risk fatigue and burnout.

Being more productive starts with getting clear on your daily goals, achieving your goals, and giving yourself time with the people that matter most at home.

5. They have laser-like focus

Building a successful business or career requires energy and focus. If you work too much, you will end up being fatigued or feeling tired all the time, which isn’t productive.

Highly productive people understand that better sleep and exercise are key to be being productive and staying productive so they make it a priority.

They also understand that they won’t always achieve a perfect night’s sleep or have time to exercise fully every day. Productive people understand that some form of exercise is better than nothing each day to maintain their energy and focus.

6. They are intentional

Highly productive people are deliberate and intentional about what they do and choose where to invest their time. If you want to become a highly productive person start with being intentional. This intentionality will help you maintain focus on the areas of your business and life that you want to invest in and grow.

Being intentional can narrow your focus and help you set better boundaries around your time. Managing your time ensures you avoid distractions and overwhelm and puts you in control of your day.

Summing up

Highly productive people are clear on their goals and understand the importance of their time. Developing effective productivity skills allows them to become less stressed, more focused, and highly effective.

If you want to be more productive use these habits of productive people to increase your productivity. As a result, you will feel happier, more satisfied, and more productive.



Source: Lucemiconsulting

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