The African queen Nzinga
Born in 1583, she is considered a national hero by the people of Angola. She fought a 30 year war against Portuguese invaders seeking to enslave her people
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Portugal needed African slaves for their new colony in Brazil. Nzinga defeated the Portuguese in two major battles. She used guerilla tactics against the Europeans and freed the slaves they had captured.
She also accepted Africans into her Matamba kingdom seeking refuge from the colonists. The Portuguese made many assassination attempts on her life, she survived them all.
Growing tired of war they offered to negotiate a peace settlement. At the meeting the Portuguese supplied no chair for her. Queen Nzinga had one of her men get on all fours and sat on his back (A human chair).
Queen Nzinga led her troops into battle into her 60’s. She lived to enjoy a peaceful death well into her 80’s.
African Queen of the Kushites, Ameniranas
Our Greatest Black Warrior Queens list takes us to African Queen of the Kushites, Ameniranas who reigned from 40 B.C. to 10 B.C. History tells of her military victories over Roman Emperor Augustus Caesar’s legions in Egypt. Known by the Nubian royal title of Candace.
Candace were female rulers of this ancient African kingdom. Meroe was the kingdom’s capital city. The kingdom existed for one thousand years.(4th century B.C. to 4th century A.D.). Ameniranas and her son prince Akinadad lead 30,000 troops into battle.
They defeated three Roman legions. The war lasted five years, from 27 B.C. to 22 B.C. Queen Ameniranas and Caesar signed a peace settlement in 22 B.C. The Romans removed their legions from Kush’s borders. The settlement lasted until the kingdom of Kush faded from history.
Queen Gudit of Ethiopia
Our Untold Black History Facts list now takes us to Queen Gudit of Ethiopia was of Samoli heritage and a covert to Judaism. Ruler of the Habesha people of the Damot kingdom in 960 A.D. The chronical of Ethiopia from the 13th century tell us. After assassinating the king, Gudit ascended to the royal throne.
She’s infamously known for having her Habesha armies attack and destroy the kingdom of Axum. Ethiopia’s mighty empire on the Red Sea. which existed for 800 years. They massacred hundreds of thousands of Axum’s citizens.
Destroyed their temples and monuments. Burned their churches and monasteries to the ground. Gudit had the descendants of Queen of Sheba and King Solomon murdered. Ending that 2,000 year old royal blood line forever.
Gudit on sat on the Axumite royal throne for 40 years. Historians say she was acting on vengeance for treatment the citizens of Axum visited upon her before she became queen of the Habesha.
The Amharic name for Gudit is Ezato meaning, Fire.
As a girl she received military training from her father in the king’s army. She attained the military rank of general and commanded a cavalry unit of twenty thousand horsemen into battle. Increasing her kingdoms size, wealth and power.
Queen Amina
In 1576 queen of Zazzau, insisted on personally leading her armies. As general and queen she greatly expanded her Nigerian kingdom’s borders. She had fortifications built around the new lands she conquered for security. Many still exist today.
She ruled for thirty years until finally losing her life on the battle field of Atagara in northern Nigeria. Amina’s life was the inspiration for the 90’s television series, Xena Warrior Princess. There is a statue of her at the National Arts Theater in Lagos Nigeria and multiple educational institutes bear her name. It is our pleasure to have her on the
Greatest Black Queens list.
Source: Black archeologist