
An Investment in Real Estate that Comes With Citizenship

Investment migration programs tied to real estate provide up a world of alternatives for where you can live, work, learn, and retire.

Henley & Partners (H&P) is a firm that specializes in

International real estate has historically been a stable asset class, with long-term returns that allow wealthy individuals to protect and grow their money while diversifying their portfolios. Over the life of the investment, there are three potential gains from investment migration–linked real estate: the asset’s core value, rental returns, and global access and mobility—the ultimate hedge against market, regional, and political volatility.

Geographic diversity through permanent residence or alternate citizenship can also provide significant lifestyle and commercial benefits. The pandemic has highlighted the advantages of having a secondary base of operations,  yourself in or relocate to if necessary—even for those from wealthy nations with premium passports. The transition to remote work in the past two years has made it much easier for many of us to live and work wherever we choose.

It’s a buyer’s market

The Best Investment Migration Real Estate Index highlights the 16 most important residence and citizenship by investment programs offering real estate investment as a pathway to residence rights or citizenship acquisition. It uses more than 30 parameters and 300 data points to score and compare these highly attractive program options according to key considerations for investors.

Future-focused UAE tops the Best Investment Migration Real Estate Index with a well-established reputation as a top investor-friendly real estate investment location. It scores highly for rental income potential, and the price of property per square meter is lower than other major international centers.

Spain, buoyed by its economic strength, comes second in the overall rankings, with the highest score in the GDP category. The EU member state is one of Europe’s most sought-after property investment destinations, with a variety of settings ranging from metropolitan to island.

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The incredibly gorgeous Montenegro, which has grown as an important second-home and property-investor market in the Mediterranean—not least because of its capacity to accommodate to everyone—takes third place on the index. Investors can select from glitzy seaside resorts to brand-new luxury hotels serving the north’s growing mountain and ski attractions.

The Portugal Golden Residence Permit Program, which proudly shares fifth place with Thailand, continues to outperform all others when it comes to investors that prioritize quality of life. With its highest scores in the relatively modest investment amount and excellent salability, investing in real estate in this EU member state is a wise move that many global investors, particularly those from the United States, have already made.

Investors who prize quality of life above all else should consider Greece, Cyprus, Malta and Jersey along with UAE, Spain, Portugal and Thailand, which all share first place when it comes to general well-being.

If money is a concern, consider the Caribbean, where Dominica, St. Kitts & Nevis, and Antigua and Barbuda are among the most affordable destinations.

Whatever is most important to you, the index can assist you in making strategic, data-driven financial decisions for you and your family. You can obtain a real estate–linked investment migration through real estate–linked investment migration, profit-yielding asset with a unique volatility hedge: increased global access. What a winning combination!


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Source: uphorial

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