Long hair, don’t care? Or more like… long hair, please share? If you’ve had your mind on growing out a beautiful Rapunzel-meets-Princess-Jasmine-mane, you’ve come to the right place. To grow your hair faster whilst being healthy, long, and thick can be a struggle. Sometimes it takes months, other times it can take YEARS to achieve your goal length. And.. let’s be real, who really wants to wait a few years before getting those locks you desire? Before you give up on the natural-long-hair dream, and opt-in to extensions – give some of these hacks a try. Everything from must-use oils, to hair clip secrets, we’ve compiled 5 of the best hair hacks when it comes to growing healthy, thick, and long hair – fast!
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1. Stop Using Heat
You’ve heard it once and I’ll say it again. Rule number one to grow hair faster: stop using excess heat on your hair. If using heat styling tools on the daily is second nature to you, it’s time to take a break. We’re saying boy bye to blow-dryers, straighteners, and curlers on the daily. Sounds nearly IMPOSSIBLE for anyone that uses heat on the regular, right? Sorry to break it to you sister, but using heat everyday on your hair is a big no-no when it comes to your hair health. Heat damages your hair, dries it out, and causes breakage.
If you truly can’t live without your heat styling tools, try breaking into the habit slowly. If you’re someone that washes their hair, blow-dries it immediately, and uses a straightener immediately after, try skipping out on one of the steps in the short term. Let your hair air dry naturally, and straighten it after the fact, taking off a bit of heat pressure on your hair.
Or, if you’re someone that wants to do this cold turkey – commit yourself to a no-heat 30-day challenge. There’s really no doubt you’ll see a difference in your hair after leaving it natural for 30 days. Long hair, here we come!
2. Lay Off on the Hair Dye
As much as you want to lighten up your locks for that cute balayage look this summer, the next step to grow hair faster is to lay off the bleach. Especially for the girls looking to go lighter, bleaching is a surefire way to damage your hair. If you’re looking to lighten – be sure to do it gradually in steps, with the right hair colorist. Any stylist that’s willing to take you from jet black hair to bleach blonde in one session is one that you want to avoid. It takes time to lighten up, and it’s important to take good care of your locks throughout the process.
BUT, if you want to grow hair fast and get that desired length as quick as you can, you have a way better chance of eliminating breakage and thinning hair by avoiding hair dye all together. Give your hair a break from the color and let it replenish itself naturally. The less you bother your hair, the more likely it is to maintain its shine and glow.
3. Start Using Hair Oils – ASAP!
Oils are a great way to replenish, moisturize, and strengthen your hair. But the key here is to use 100% natural oils – NOT serums and “oil blends” mixed with chemicals that you buy at the drugstore. Coconut oil, castor oil, argan oil, and jojoba oil are all AMAZING for hair growth and health. After you shower, simply mix a blend of all 4 of the oils and massage onto your hair (starting at the ends) while damp. Be sure not to overuse – a little goes a long way!
4. Hair Tie-Off, Hair Clip On
A simple trick that a lot of gals don’t know: replace your hair ties with a hair clip instead. Tying your hair tightly on a consistent basis can pull the hair on your scalp. Tying it tightly in the same area on the regular can actually cause your hair to fray in the same spot. Change up the way you tie your hair by braiding it, twisting it, putting it in a bun, etc. – and secure it with a clip.
A clip keeps your hair out of your face, and doesn’t come with the potential damage of a hair tie. If you’re someone that sleeps with your hair tied up, try twisting it into a bun, and clipping the hair at the top of your hair so it’s totally comfortable.
5. Take Longer Breaks Between Washing to Grow Hair Faster
As nice as it is to have clean, fresh hair, every single day – if you’re looking to grow hair faster – don’t wash it everyday. When you wash your hair with shampoo, you’re removing natural oils (otherwise known as sebum) that help keep your locks moisturized. Over-shampooing can dry out your hair, leading to breakage. How often you should wash your hair depends on a few factors. If your hair is generally more thin, or you’re doing a heavy workout – you may need to wash it everyday. BUT, try to at least up that interval to every other day. If you’ve got thicker, less oily hair, you can likely avoid a full hair wash for a few days.
And there you have it! Implement these hair hacks into your routine to grow hair faster, and get those long locks that you SO deserve!
Source: thewerklife